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Misterton Primary and Nursery School

“Learning together, Achieving together”

Year 6

This week in History we have been learning about mummification in Ancient Egypt.

Year 6 designed and made bags as part of our DT work. We really, really enjoyed using the sewing machine!

We have really enjoyed Bikeability this week in Year 6. Even though it was very cold, the children have had an amazing attitude and have learnt how to keep themselves safe when cycling.

Year 6 produced some wonderful creative homework linked to our work on WW2.

Year 6 have been learning about World War 2 in History. We enjoyed exploring an artefact box from Bassetlaw Museum that contained lots of interesting items to develop our knowledge and understanding

In Music we have been composers

As part of our art work, Year 6 have been exploring weaving. This week we experimented with weaving fabric strips.
