Misterton Primary and Nursery School
“Learning together, Achieving together”
School Clothing
Skirt, pinafore dress, shorts or trousers (grey or black)
Blouse, shirt or polo shirt (white or red)
Sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper (red)
Black flat sensible shoes.
In the summer red gingham dresses can be worn
Sandals of any colour can be worn in Summer, but they must fit snugly and support the feet ie no flip flops or Crocs
P.E. KIT – Indoor | P.E. KIT-Outdoor |
T-shirt (white) | Tracksuit bottoms (black or blue) |
Shorts (black or blue) | Sweatshirt (red, black or blue) |
P.E. will be done in bare feet | Long socks for rugby, football and hockey) Trainers |
Trunks or one piece swimming costumes should be worn for swimming, in compliance with the authorities’ policy. Please see under Parents and swimming on the website for further information.
P.E. Kit should be plain and not have any logos on it.
All items of school uniform, including book bags, can now be bought from My Clothing. Simply log on www.myclothing.com and find our school. You can then choose the items you require, pay by credit, debit card and PayPal.
Jewellery is not allowed in school for safety reasons, except for simple studs and watches. Fit Bit type of watches are not allowed. All items must be removed for games, swimming and other physical activities. Children need to be able to remove these themselves. School cannot take responsibility for any jewellery brought into school.
Hair styles must be formal. Only colours which occur naturally for hair. Make-up is not allowed.
Please label all items of clothing with your child’s name.
Should anyone want to purchase second hand uniform for a small cost, please contact the office.