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Misterton Primary and Nursery School

“Learning together, Achieving together”

Year 6

Our Class Text has recently been Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman. We have also been studying the heart and circulatory system in Science. This inspired us to sketch some hearts and pigs.

We welcomed parents into school earlier in the week as part of our Open Morning. In Year 6 we set a challenge to see who could build the best pyramid from a set number of paper straws. Strength and appearance were both taken into consideration.

Our Maths work this week has been based on multiplication. Year 6 have really used their growth mindsets to make progress with their calculations. As you can see, they've also thought really hard about their presentation too!

In History this week we have been deducing information from a range of sources about Tutankhamun. We worked in groups to collate the information and show the key knowledge on one sheet of paper. Year 6 worked really effectively in their groups, organising themselves efficiently.

As part of our Art work this term, Year 6 have been exploring the work of Gunta Stolzl. Gunta used weaving to create beautiful pieces. Here are some of our creations which have been inspired by her work.
